Summer is Approaching. Here Are Ways to Save Water

Aside from helping you save on your utility bill, conserving water will help prevent water shortages, plus, it helps our planet. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency predicts that about 40 states will experience shortages in water by 2024.

A good, convenient supply of water is a vital element in every household. We rely on it for cleaning, basic sanitation, and cooking, and it is impossible to operate our home without it. Thankfully, it is readily available at the turn of a faucet, but we must all remember that carelessly running water to our showers, sinks, and appliances have its consequences. You will be greeted by a bigger utility bill every month, and the consumption of your household will create wastewater which can be detrimental to the environment.

Here are ways to save water than will allow you to save without compromising your comfort or health.

In the kitchen

  • If you hand wash your dishes, do not allow water to run in your faucet constantly. Soak them first instead, then turn the water on to rinse.
  • Recycle the water that you use for cooking. Water that you use to boil beans, pasta, and other food can be used to water your house plants.
  • If you use a dishwasher, be sure to use the water conservation settings. If your appliance doesn’t have this feature, consider investing in an ENERGY STAR certified model.

In the laundry room

  • Fill your washing machine, but do not overfill, since it will cause your appliance to work less efficiently. Newer, ENERGY STAR qualified models consume less water and less energy.
  • Use just the right amount of detergent. Using too much will leave residues on your clothes that may not rinse away, and using too little might not get the load clean.
  • Use the pre-soak option for heavily soiled loads. This way, you will use less water and energy by having to wash the same load twice.
  • Allow your washer to dry for at least an hour after the last load to discourage molds from forming. Remember that a clean washer equates to a more efficient one. If possible, clean it once a month to avoid soap scum or mildew.

In the shower and toilet

  • Take shorter showers. If you need help in keeping your showers short and sweet, you may choose to leave a timer in the bathroom.
  • Install faucet aerators and a low-flow showerhead. There are a lot of models that come with a convenient shut-off button.
  • Remember to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth. It may help save you approximately 6 liters of water in one minute!
  • Invest in a dual-flush toilet, which consumes less water than regular ones.

In your yard

  • Water usage soars as people care for their lawns during the heat of the summer. Be sure to inspect your irrigation system for leaks to avoid wasting water.
  • Collect rainwater by setting up a rain barrel. You can use it on your flowers, shrubs, and trees.
  • To reduce the need for you to water your yard, consider using drought-resistant plants or xeriscaping.

These helpful ways to save water can help you save money on your utility bills and ease the burden on your local water supply in the process.


“Water Conservation at EPA,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
“13 best ways to save water,” Friends of the Earth,